Hello, I'm Jesmean Lyons, and it brings me genuine joy to introduce myself as your dedicated partner in navigating the world of real estate services, covering everything from buying and selling to creative financing and joint ventures. With a background enriched by years of experience as both a successful real estate agent and healthcare administrator, I bring a unique blend of skills to this new journey. My path has equipped me to handle real estate transactions with unwavering professionalism and precision.   As your committed partner, I am fully invested in providing you with exceptional support, ensuring that your needs and dreams are not only met but surpassed. I deeply understand the significance of finding the perfect home, and I take immense pride in guiding individuals and families through this transformative process. My specialization in various real estate avenues offers a flexible and affordable pathway to homeownership, tailored specifically to your unique circumstances.   With a keen eye for detail and a profound understanding of the real estate market, I am confident in my ability to empower you to make well-informed decisions that perfectly align with your financial goals. Beyond achieving outstanding results, my goal is to cultivate lasting relationships with all my clients. Rest assured, your journey towards homeownership is in the most capable and caring hands.   I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to be of service to you, and I'm here every step of the way with warmth, support, and unwavering dedication.

Foreclosure Assistance

If you’re behind on payments or facing foreclosure, we can help you escape mortgage problems and move forward with your life.

Sell as-is, no need to make repairs

Prevent foreclosure, eliminate debt, & protect your credit

Avoid Deficiency Judgments

Avoid Bankruptcy

If you’re thinking of walking away from your home because you have too much debt or can’t refinance – don’t wait! The sooner you get started, the greater your chances of success. Speaking with one of our mortgage counselors and getting connected to an experienced, local Foreclosure Assistance agent is the first step towards sorting everything out, so give us a call or submit an online inquiry for a free consultation.

Is A Walk-A-way Right For You?

If your home is worth less than what you owe on mortgage, then you might qualify to just give the deed back to the bank and simply walk away and have the chance to start over.


No permanent Relief

Up to 7 years before you can buy a home

Most damaging to your credit score


Permanent Relief

You're free of debt

Buy a home in as little as 2 years

Least damaging to your credit score

Loan Modification

Temporary Relief

The Original debt is still tied to you

Your payments can actually increase